Friday, November 4, 2011


Camp left for NYC last night so this morning I woke up to a very quiet house.  Solution:  turn on the music!  I listened to a few songs while I got ready, but more importantly made this:

Drip coffee - yum.  My wonderful aunt Shelley introduced us to Philz Coffee in San Fransisco and I couldn't get enough of it!  I recently ordered 2 bags to be shipped cross-country and they arrived a few days ago (may I recommend Jacobs Wonderbar dark roast).

If you haven't ever tried drip coffee, made one cup at a time, I highly recommend it! 


  1. I'm sold...when can we have some? Love your blog sweet friend! Excited to hear more from you!

  2. Glad you're blogging! You've inspired me. I may be a ludite, but for some reason I can't see your pictures :(
